Demagogue and Diplomat

The Election

When Americans overhear the word "election", there isn't a doubt that the topic of conversation is the 2016 Presidential Election. If not for the historical significance this election is bound to bring, it will definitely go down for being the most publicized and tumultuous election. This election uncovers the deep-rooted indiviudalized racism and brings to light a whole population of Islamaphobic. anti-immigration, misogyinists; their leader: Donald Trump.


We are not voting for Secreatry Clinton because she is a woman; we are voting because she is intelligent, caring, experienced, and cultured. We are voting becuse she believes in equality, without excpetion. She believes in open broders, a policy that essentially built the diverse nation we call the United States. She respects everyone, no matter econoomic and political status or race and gender. She recognizes issues that are unique to individuals and does not shy away from social justice topics. She has ten times the stamina of any of her opponents, as she has endured hypercritics for over two decades.She has been building herself up as the next President of the United States and there is no denying that.

Trump Takedown

Trump: the businessman, the he-actually-speaks-his-mind man, the he-cares-for-Americans-and-only-Americans man. "Trump Takedown" does not refer to Secretary Clinton's classy "when they go low, we go high"-Michelle-Obama-leading takedown; it refers to Trump's self-destructive tendency and streak with himself that has led to an on-going Trump takedown. Letting a man that is so hateful, bigoted, misogynistic, Islamaphobic, anti-immigration, sexist, and white supremacist has led to a mockery of American politics and an aura of dissapointment among those who believe in the American dream and the intelligent power of the United States. Teenagers and young adults tune into the Presidential Debates for a laugh rather than to recognize important policies and actions that each candidate has and proposes for important issues. He represents everything America stands against and there is no denying that.

So who is the damagogue and who is the diplomat? You choose.